We live in a world that is filled with opportunities where “Dreams will come true as long as you stop complaining and try hard” or “anything is possible if you really try your best”. We are able to attend schools and receive minimum education, an ambulance will come to take us to hospital if we get injured or become sick. Although there may be certain gaps, there isn’t a big difference between the rich and the ordinary people ‘s daily calorie intake, everyone is able to take a train or airplane or a car to travel freely.
But a society that we believe as obvious, receiving proper education or eating nutritious food, going to hospitals to receive medical care when you get injured or sick, after all that we have options for the future. People who are living in a healthy society have the possibility to be rewarded if they do their best, there are multiple opportunities to try hard, even in this era where technology has developed to this extent, the majority of the world still has not caught up with technology .
I myself have had a blessed life with many options thanks to being born in a country called Japan at a good age irrespective of my own intention and efforts. Because I am living in such a blessed society, I want to create such a mechanism of society that we consider natural, for those who live in remote areas of developing countries. The standard of living we consider normal is thanks to our ancestors who built a society who thought not only about themselves and their own family but also about the community as a whole, I would like to spread this to the people of countries other than Japan. Through AGRIBUDDY, I want to challenge to create a healthier society.
In order to create a healthy society, we need money to use as a grease to exchange various necessary services. As a first step, we must build a framework that enables us to know more about their reality, then build a platform that can connect directly with them. In addition, AGRIBUDDY’s primary goal is to provide income to support the minimum living infrastructure and provide finances such as “Safe loans and insurance for emergencies”.
While thinking about such things in the past several years, talking about our business plans with various people and various places, I have met with more and more people who also sympathized with such ideas outside of Japan, in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines and Mozambique and this has started to form into shape gradually.
Through such events taking place, Mr. Kazuma Ieiri has written about AGRIBUDDY in one of his latest books, he is an entrepreneur known for starting the biggest crowd funding service in Japan. I found out this news through a friend and bought the book immediately and felt nothing but empathy while reading through the book. I contacted Mr. Shinji Tsunoda of Akasaka International Law, Patent and Accounting and asked him to introduce me to Mr. Ieiri.
Mr. Ieiri happily agreed to join AGRIBUDDY as a shareholder and a supporter. I am really looking forward to getting an artistic and friendly outlook of Mr. Ieiri infused to AGRIBUDDY.
Mr. Tesshu Matsumura has also made an investment to AGRIBUDDY. He was known as Mr. Yen, former director of international finance bureau of the Ministry of Finance, he has been actively supporting us by introducing us to influencers such as Mr. Eiji Sakakibara who is in charge of “Institute of Indian Economic Studies”.
Mr. Shunji Kobayashi who is the former CTO of video game provider “Aiming”, who lead the company to its listing has joined us as a shareholder. He is now retired from Aiming, started “OWNERS”, a platform to connect consumers with farmers in Japan. I hope that a strong synergy is generated while sharing the gap between Japan’s agricultural industry where the standard of living that AGRIBUDDY is aiming for exists and the agricultural industry in developing countries who aims to bring the similar standards to be realized in their own countries.
“Collecting data from poor farmers in Cambodia, are you an NPO?”, “I don’t really get it, can you make money through this?” are the kind of comments AGRIBUDDY received when starting this project, we have finally made the baby milestone and are ready to be on our feet thanks to all the people who have supported us. We will further accelerate from here, please keep an eye out for AGRIBUDDY and keep on sending us the support. Thank you.
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